Originally published on QAIMETA STRATEGIES on October 19, 2023. Republished with permission.
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Effective digital leaders see opportunities, adapt to change, embrace disruption and drive customer value, drawing on 7 traits.
Early Adopter
Neophiles, who like newness, they eagerly explore new ways and experiences, welcoming game-changing ideas.
Knowing why the company needs to change, they reinvent to be exponentially better than competitors.
With a clear vision, they create a brand new business model on what I call a digital Ecosystem Platform (#DEP).
They imagine a business that does not yet exist, or is a market disrupter, and identify like-minded team members.
AQ Culture
#AI #DigiTransform teams need a high #Adversity #Quotient (#AQ), on top of emotional intelligence (#EQ) and #IQ, to have agile resilience and high employee experience (#EX).
User Focus
#AI #DigiTransform is a means, not an end. It changes processes, products and services to enhance value and customer experience (#CX).
Tech Savvy
In a digitized company, #employee #culture is geeky, with real-time, engaging, interactive, and customized upskilling.
Adapted and Modified from Source Link: https://www.ciodive.com/news/gartner-successful-digital-leader-traits/585702/