By Darren Wilson Originally published on Property Sharemarket Economics. Republished with permission. Canberra, Australia, 9 August 2021 - I recently hosted a webinar for subscribers to Boom Bust Bulletin. I was joined by Property Sharemarket Economics Director, Akhil Patel. During the webinar we encouraged attendees to ask questions for Akhil and me to answer. And there was a recurring theme to these: people wanted to know about debt, inflation, and interest rates both now and for the … [Read more...]
The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking
Author: Phillip J. Anderson| Hardcover: 464 pages | Publisher: Shepheard-Walwyn | Language: English “The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking” is a deeply-researched study of over two centuries of economic history that discovers in these years a surprisingly consistent and predictable pattern of boom and bust. What the author finds is that history from the 1800s to the present day has shown a roughly 18-year real-estate cycle, with an average of 14 years up and 4 years down, … [Read more...]
Cashing in from ‘sunrise property’ attractive option
By Aulia R. Sungkar. Originally published in The Jakarta Post, on January 9, 2015. Sunrise property' is the current trend in property development, especially in commercially immature areas. If you live in a city, chances are that you have seen promotional material offering what has recently been referred to as 'sunrise property', a phrase used to describe properties sold in lucrative areas capable of generating huge profits. Currently, a number of mass media, textbooks and brochures … [Read more...]