BOOK REVIEW Develop and Nurture Your Newborn’s Full Potential By Glenn Doman and Janet Doman The book takes parents to gradually progress toward achieving their babies’ full potential. The authors provide the necessary information that guides parents on how to develop the newborn with physical, verbal and cognitive stimulation from first days after birth. Every chapter comprises step-by-step guidance on creating a home environment potential to enhance your baby’s brain development. … [Read more...]
Raising the Precious
Dian Paramita Sastrowardoyo Sutowo expresses her delight over her first baby, as she shares with Aulia R. Sungkar her first time motherhood experience. More famously known as Dian Sastro, the popular actress and commercial star admits that she had a mixed emotion en route to becoming a parent. “In the beginning, it’s like finding your way in a strange land with no map. It’s where the most beautiful and scariest moments blended into one. But later it’s all turned into the joys that I … [Read more...]
The Perfect Match
By Ruth Ninajanty. Published in Bambini, 2012. Every parent wants the best for their children. The problem for working parents nowadays is finding the most suitable day care, not only for the children but also for the parents’ needs. When you are set to trust a couple hours in your child’s day to a third party, you are entitled to be extra careful. Research shows that early childhood experiences, especially during the first five years, will affect the brain’s organizational development and … [Read more...]
The Sporty Buggy
Silver Cross® Pop® Sport is about meeting your lifestyle needs. Suitable from birth to toddler, this ultra lightweight buggy is easy to push, both with one hand or two hands, setting to help many parents, grandparents and nannies get around much easier. It’s a distinctive buggy that gives you the freedom to move – be it popping out to a shop, strolling down in a mall, nipping over to a friend’s house or dining with your family. With two automatic folding locks, as its name suggests, all you … [Read more...]