By Ruth Ninajanty. Originally published in The Jakarta Post's Education Tabloid, October 2017. After spending most of her day at school, fifth grader Yosefin is definitely tired when she arrives home. She leaves home at 6:30 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m. This year, her mother Hidiawati decided against enrolling her in any extracurricular activities so she can return home earlier and have more time to study. “I always try to be flexible when it comes to study time at home. I leave it up to … [Read more...]
TNT Express & Carrefour Hold A Tree-Planting Program
Today TNT Express Indonesia, in collaboration with PT Trans Retail Indonesia (Carrefour) and in conjunction with the World Environment Day, planted its first fruit tree to symbolize the commencement of a 500 tree-planting partnership program to be conducted at 12 primary schools in the Greater Jakarta area. The first tree of orange was planted at one of the Carrefour Beneficiaries Schools, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah At-Taqwa Cikarang, at a ceremony this morning, which was graced and witnessed … [Read more...]
How Smart is Your Baby?
BOOK REVIEW Develop and Nurture Your Newborn’s Full Potential By Glenn Doman and Janet Doman The book takes parents to gradually progress toward achieving their babies’ full potential. The authors provide the necessary information that guides parents on how to develop the newborn with physical, verbal and cognitive stimulation from first days after birth. Every chapter comprises step-by-step guidance on creating a home environment potential to enhance your baby’s brain development. … [Read more...]
Holiday Havens
Taking you to a fun choice of destinations from across the world, with all the fun and excitement for kids and family to lap up. Spending quality time with kids is without doubt of great importance for parents, and going on vacation is one way to enhance the familial encounters potential to create a stronger family bonding. So, get yourself geared up for a memorable holiday season with your beloved family in some of the world’s exquisite holiday destinations, which offer unmatchable … [Read more...]
Starting young in teaching environmental awareness
In line with heightened concern about global warming, the formal education sector, particularly among national plus and international schools, offers classes on environmental awareness as part of the curriculum. Education experts believe that it’s a case of the earlier, the better to instill this environmental concern in students. “The goal is clear. We want to raise awareness among students from an early age about the benefits of green living,” said Jenti Martono, the principal and … [Read more...]
Technology opens up the options for learning
By Aulia R. Sungkar. Published in The Jakarta Post, June 25, 2012. Ratu M. Sumampow is a recent graduate of sixth grade, but she can already testify to the power of technology in education. “When I was a little girl, I didn’t understand a book I read and I had trouble understanding the story. After my mom introduced me to technology, I can easily go online to conveniently get all the information I need,” said Ratu. When it comes to education, technology can help children in the learning … [Read more...]
Nurturing Children at Best
As early years education is a crucial stage to determine the future success of a child, Royal Tots Academy (RTA) provides all-around education that allows children to reach their full potential. Designed for children aged 18 months to 6 years; RTA emphasizes on service excellence in delivering outcome-based curriculum that focuses on personal development that produces wise, innovative and intelligent individuals. The school adapts the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), an … [Read more...]
The Sporty Buggy
Silver Cross® Pop® Sport is about meeting your lifestyle needs. Suitable from birth to toddler, this ultra lightweight buggy is easy to push, both with one hand or two hands, setting to help many parents, grandparents and nannies get around much easier. It’s a distinctive buggy that gives you the freedom to move – be it popping out to a shop, strolling down in a mall, nipping over to a friend’s house or dining with your family. With two automatic folding locks, as its name suggests, all you … [Read more...]
Tutor Time: Nurturing the best
As parents want the best education their money can buy for their children, today’s demand for early education has been on the rise. As a result, a variety of preschools and kindergartens offering a range of curricula and approaches have brought to the table, leaving many parents frustrated to choose which learning method fits best to their children. This all due to the fact that parents, in general, want their children to reach their potential in learning. However, they should realize that … [Read more...]
Irma Gold Kunisch: Giving children a second chance
In the past few years, Irma Gold-Kunisch has committed herself to supporting early childhood programs in quake-stricken Giriloyo, Bantul, Yogyakarta, by helping children to learn to value themselves and to imagine new possibilities. A retired German medical doctor, Kunisch first set up a makeshift school for children affected by the May 2006 quake. "As I could not work in a hospital without the language knowledge, I decided to work with children since their language is … [Read more...]