By Aulia R. Sungkar (Ollie). Originally published on, and reposted on In today's era of abundant information, the ability to capture attention and drive action through writing is a coveted skill. Persuasive writing is not just about presenting information, but it also involves crafting narratives that inspire individuals to take meaningful steps. In this article, we unveil the intricacies of persuasive writing through the following ten tips, transforming every word … [Read more...]
Integrating Storytelling in Annual Reporting
By Aulia R. Sungkar (Ollie). Originally published on, and reposted on Ever felt like annual reports were stuck in a world of numbers and technical writing? It's like they're speaking a language that only accountants understand. But what if I were to suggest a method to revolutionize this approach, to metamorphose these reports into compelling narratives? Imagine flipping through an annual report and finding yourself drawn into a narrative, rather than … [Read more...]
Branding through Writing: Words Mean Everything
By Aulia R. Sungkar (Ollie) Originally published on Linkedin. In today's digital age, where information inundates us from all directions, the art of effective communication has become more critical than ever. Words, as the primary tools of communication, bear profound significance in conveying messages and shaping a brand identity. Whether you're a burgeoning startup or a long-standing corporation, your manner of communication can markedly influence your brand's success. Engaging a skilled … [Read more...]
Blog Posts and Articles – Knowing the Differences for Business
By Prasiddha Gustanto Senior writer and editor at ALVEO The world of business writing requires different approaches to producing written content depending on the situation. Some situations may call for a writer to make an article, while others may see the need for a blog post. These two types of writing, contrary to popular belief, are not interchangeable. Each type has a distinct way of conveying information, serves different purposes and caters to specific audiences. Recognizing … [Read more...]
Aulia Sungkar: ‘Writerpreneurs’ Experiencing Rapid Growth during Current Pandemic Era
This English version is translated from the original article published on Writer: Yohanes Enggar Harususilo | Editor: Yohanes Enggar Harususil If there is one profession that has managed to endure and even experience growth during this pandemic, it's the “writerpreneur,” a portmanteau that combines "writer" and "entrepreneur". Aulia R. Sungkar, founder and director of, a company that focuses on providing various writing, translating and editing services, … [Read more...]
The Significance of Sustainability Report for Business Development
Sustainability Reports have been on the rise for the past few decades, both for profit-based companies and non-profit ones. Though often viewed together, a Sustainability Report is not the same thing as an Annual Report. The latter outlines a company’s profile, the line of business, and its performance in terms of finance and business in a given calendar year. It is through a Sustainability Report that a company or organization can take into account its impact on various issues regarding … [Read more...]
Annual Report: Communication Aspects
Almost all companies, including the ones in Indonesia, are required to submit their performance results for the past year in the form of an annual report addressed to the public or stakeholders. On a fundamental level, an annual report not only serves as a written copy of the company's performance presented to comply with regulations or directions from regulators. It also serves as a means to gain trust from both the public and from business partners for the company's business … [Read more...]
5Cs for Effective Business Writing
By Aulia R. Sungkar (Ollie) Director at ALVEO Business writing has one ultimate goal: to convey valuable information. To achieve this goal, a company needs to be good at effective business writing. However, how does one produce effective business writing? Is there any guide for doing this? Worry not. Context, Content, Clarity, Color and Carrier (also known as the 5Cs) are the keys to effective business writing. The 5Cs are widely known as the definitive guide to delivering effective … [Read more...]