When it comes to staying connected, Indonesia outshines other countries in Southeast Asia. The Indonesia Internet Service Provider Association (APJII) predicts that by the year’s end, around 107 million people in Indonesia will be online, putting the country in 12th spot in the Internet-user global list. More and more people are connecting to the Internet on their mobile devices, according to the Global Web Index Device Summary 2014. “Mobile-only Internet usage is high in many … [Read more...]
BlackBerry, Apple Battle Over Indonesia
The first quarter of 2010 is near an end and electronic goods and cellphone manufacturers have been pumping out their latest products on an almost weekly basis. Lauded by many as the biggest electronics show in the world, the Consumer Electronic Show 2010, held in January in Las Vegas showed Google trying to steal the spotlight with the announcement of Nexus One, its first ever smartphone, which is powered by the Android operating system. It was an attempt by Google, along with Palm Pre, … [Read more...]