By Aulia R. Sungkar (Ollie). Originally published on, and reposted on Ever felt like annual reports were stuck in a world of numbers and technical writing? It's like they're speaking a language that only accountants understand. But what if I were to suggest a method to revolutionize this approach, to metamorphose these reports into compelling narratives? Imagine flipping through an annual report and finding yourself drawn into a narrative, rather than … [Read more...]
Annual Report: Communication Aspects
Almost all companies, including the ones in Indonesia, are required to submit their performance results for the past year in the form of an annual report addressed to the public or stakeholders. On a fundamental level, an annual report not only serves as a written copy of the company's performance presented to comply with regulations or directions from regulators. It also serves as a means to gain trust from both the public and from business partners for the company's business … [Read more...]