Investing in children education requires more than just spending a large sum of money. Quality unquestionably should come first. Thank to globalization era that the door of international education has been opened widely, paving the way for more fields of study.
And for those who seek international quality education in either undergraduate or graduate schools without having to leave the country, Swiss German University has become an alternative to studying abroad.
Situated in Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) City, Swiss German University (SGU) is the first international university in Indonesia. Established in 2000 by the Swiss German University – Asia Foundation, with the help of the German, Swiss, Austrian and Indonesian governments; the foundation was developed through the ideas of Prof Dr. Peter Pscheid, who is now the SGU rector, when he was a visiting scholar at the Bandung Institute of Technology.
In addition to offering an array of majors in Business Administration and Information Technology, SGU offers distinctively unique fields of study not commonly offered at most higher education institutions; Mechatronics Engineering (a study of the combination of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology), Biomedical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering.
In addition to using English as the language of instruction, students at SGU are also required to study German language during their first year of study. Having the small class size of 28 students in average and with the splendid school’s overseas internship programs; the university unequivocally offers an education investment at best.
The university offers two internship (practical training) programs, which are held in Indonesia during the third semester and abroad during the sixth semester for bachelor degree students. The country destinations include Germany, Switzerland or countries in Asia. This will help build qualified professionals as well as strengthen links between nations in both Asia and Europe. Also, students can learn the different perspectives of both occidental and oriental cultures, turning those students into becoming ‘the best of both worlds’ individuals.
SGU currently has a joint agreement with Ilmenau University in Germany, whereby SGU students can transfer to the Ilmenau University after completing their fifth semester. Many SGU students continue onto a master or doctoral degree in European universities even though students completing their bachelor’s degree can continue their master and doctoral programs at SGU.
In early 2009, SGU is moving into its new campus where the development of the last 8 years will be accelerated. More importantly, SGU will continue to provide to its students an international education breakthrough as a key to open the door of success.