Dian Paramita Sastrowardoyo Sutowo expresses her delight over her first baby, as she shares with Aulia R. Sungkar her first time motherhood experience.
More famously known as Dian Sastro, the popular actress and commercial star admits that she had a mixed emotion en route to becoming a parent.
“In the beginning, it’s like finding your way in a strange land with no map. It’s where the most beautiful and scariest moments blended into one. But later it’s all turned into the joys that I wouldn’t trade for all of the riches of the world,” Dian illustrates her unparalleled happiness, which she began to comprehend after holding her precious little bundle.
Happily married to Maulana Indraguna Sutowo since May 2010, Dian recalls one Sunday afternoon that marked the happiest day in the couple’s life. It was on 17 July 2011 that Dian gave birth to Shailendra Naryama Sastraguna Sutowo.
”We call our baby boy with nickname Shaien,” Dian says, adding that her love and affection to Shaien has grown stronger as she is raising the baby.
With her courage and devotion to nurturing her precious heart, Dian never stops seeking to enhance her parenting knowledge. “I’m a google freak mom!” she exclaims with a laugh. “Since my pregnancy, I have been reading a lot of books and conducting online researches on parenting and child development issues.”
As a mother, Dian would like to see Shaien growing up as healthy, smart and happy kid. “I hope that my boy will be able to socialize well with other kids. And of course I’m looking forward to the time that Shaien can count, read and write.”
Despite Dian’s happiness of taking her first time parenting role, the get-up-and-go Dian is well aware of her modelling talent, as she still appears in the number of advertising campaigns. Currently, she has contracts with Smasung, L’Oreal Paris, Zwitsal and Prenagen.
“I was offered the contracts with Zwitsal and Prenagen after giving birth to Shaien,” Dian says while lovingly gazing at her boy. “And I always bring along my Shaein every time I have a photo shoot. I have to, especially now that I still breastfeed him.”
When asked if she is looking forward to going back to the silver screen, Dian quickly replies, “Not at the moment! Starring a movie requires a massive time commitment. I don’t want to sacrifice my quality time with my husband and Shaein.”
Published in Tatler Bambini, 2012.