Being a career mother, Dianne Suherman shares with Tatler Bambini her elation of raising her two beloved little girls.
“My children are my pain and joy in equal measure. However, nothing can replace the joy of being together with them,” Dianne asserts. Born in Singapore on April 11, 2006 and February 21, 2008 respectively, Solaia and Rei Constance truly illuminate Dianne’s life.
Solaia means the sunny one while Rei and Constance are two words respectively meaning beautiful and unwavering.
The older girl Solaia is sensitive and soft-spoken yet very curious and adventurous. With her big sense of humor, she indeed speaks a whole lot. Truly, Solaia’s favourite colours of pink and black symbolize her character.
Still 9-month-old, Rei seems to have been well aware of her surroundings. “She will charm you into agreeing for whatever she wants like having her favourite snack, our home baked cheese biscuits,” Dianne says in felicity. “I look forward to seeing Rei’s beautiful character unfold.”
Patience, love, compassion, empathy, kindness and determination are only a few crucial characters of becoming a good mother. Truly, taking on the role of a mother is the toughest and most important job in the world.
While getting down to managing her various businesses in high-end home appliances and premium stationeries, being closeness to her daughters is of great importance to Dianne. Notwithstanding the fact that her outstanding leadership and management skills have got herself on track in running her businesses, raising her daughters at best is an incomparable source of happiness. Dianne furthers. “My girls are the light in my eyes and I wish they would grow as strong women.”
Being strong means being able to live a life in harmony while expressing oneself genuinely, Dianne adds. “As a parent, I have to inculcate my children in a value of being high self-esteem, a character that is potential to consider themselves important and valuable in facing their future independent life regardless of their appearance and skills acquired.
“Apart from all the qualities that have the great potential for my children to gear up for facing the real world, I do wish my girls could be affectionate and romantic as well as have a joy for life.”
With Rei’s being around, Dianne bakes and cooks with Solaia at least twice a week as a means of getting them familiar with the taste and texture of different foods. “This is one way to direct my kids to a lifetime of healthy eating habit while developing their motoric skill,” Dianne says adding that organic food is the most significant choice in terms of enhancing children’s health and environment.
“This, nonetheless, involves acquiring knowledge and developing awareness of the ingredients in our daily food,” Dianne says. “I have been consuming organic products for food and household cleaners. Whatever I do, I keep holding on my belief in making a positive change in the world we live in through inspiration and education, even if the change is minor compared to what many of other eminent women have contributed.”
By Aulia Rachmat Sungkar, published in Tatler Bambini, special edition, January 2009.
Photos by I Gede Mangku Antero Jaya